We as people long to be accepted and loved unconditionally. It is that search for acceptance that leads us down the paths to our present situations. We pick up hurt, pain, shame, bad attitudes, destructive thinking and confussion along the way. The world has an every man for himself code, and we are told if we don't do it for ourselves it won't get done. That is a lonely and heavy burden to bare. We rack our brains tring to establish what the world says is the American Dream, only to end up feeling like a failure if we don't achieve it or thinking to highly of ourselves if we do. There is a happy medium in Christ Jesus. It is an equalizer that gives us balance, and order, so that we can be whole and free. We must first allow him to take on our mess, and stress. (Matthew 11:28)
There is nothing wrong with the desire to prosper and be happy, but what is true happiness, and how do we obtain it. I tell you today that in Christ Jesus there is PROSPERITY, and LOVE! There is peace, joy, unconditional (agape) love, power, strenght, deliverance, and a new life filled with endless possibilities.
Jesus came to this sinful earth and took on the burden of our sin. He died that we may have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) Through His death the veil was broken and we were given the honor of coming to God for ourselves. In His death there is forgiveness and second chances. In His death there is Hope, and Power given to those who choose to receive it. We may start out rough but in Christ Jesus it is Greater Later. (1 John 4:4)
The Redemptive work in Jesus' blood is offered to all and there are no strings attached. There is no fine print, because it is written plain and with out question in the BIBLE. I tell you that it is a limited time offer, because He is coming back and will we be ready! ( John 14:3)
Many of us think that we must reach a certain point before we can come to Christ. We think that we have to look a certain way, speak a certain way, and seem to have it together. That is a trick of the enemy. God wants us to come to Him as we are. It is only He that can fix the things that bind us, mind, body and soul. It is He that can strip away the years of shame, self hate and destruction that keeps us bound and powerless. All we have to do is ask for it, receive it, beleive it, and walk in it. (Mathew 22:21)
This world will never change and it is temporary. The time to prepare for what is to come is now, and God is waiting for us to allow Him to finish what He has started in us. No sin is to great, no burden is to great, because God can fix it. Don't worry about how hopeless it seems. God will take us as we are, and change us so that He can get the glory out of our lives.
Be encouraged on today that no matter where you sit or stand God is still calling your name. ALL YOU NEED DO IS ANSWER!
Be Blessed!!!!!!!!